

Sometime ago, I wrote a post about finding my talents. Since then I have wracked my brain trying to find something that would even come close to resembling a talent. I've even asked people to tell me what they think my talents are, and the best they can come up with is that I can "DO LUNCH" better than anyone they know! See, I AM talent deficient!! When we were all standing in line to receive our talents, I think the machine got stuck at Jan Hodson, and she got them ALL! Seriously, I dare anyone to find someone more talented than she is! Then in their efforts to try and fix the machine, I got lost in the shuffle. "Move along lady, they are serving lunch in the cafeteria if you are interested." I guess I was!

So, since I missed out on talent day, I think God must have felt sorry for me, so he blessed me with some really great friends that I can share my "LUNCH" talent with, or who could help me find a more legitimate talent. Janae has tried for several years to get me to go to a quilt camp with her, but I would just laugh and say, "Are you kidding me, what on earth would I do at a quilt camp?" I have never sewed in my life, and didn't really have any interest in learning.....actually, lets be honest here, I lacked the confidence that I could actually do it. Janae was pleasantly persistent and eventually she talked me into making an apron.....and then I went crazy! It turned out so cute that I made one for everyone I could think of for Christmas that year. Since then, I have tried more difficult patterns, some with ruffles, some with pleats....and guess what? I can do it! Amazing what a person can do if you just "give it a shot", and read the directions!

Then she even convinced me to make a quilt.....CRAZY!! WHO KNEW I COULD ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS! I do however, need a model...the dining room chairs and the back of the couch just don't quite cut it. Any takers?

It gets even better! I recently made two of these little dresses for baby shower gifts, and now Janae and I are going to start an Etsy Shop to sell our creations! So, until we get the shop up and running, here is just a sample of the things we will have. These are just the things I have made, Janae has even more lovelies to share. STAY TUNED!!

So there you have it, I have found a talent after all, and not only is it a talent, but is has become an obsession. I can often be found in my little craft room, sewing into the wee hours of the morning. Sometimes Mooch and I pass each other as I am going to bed and he is just getting up for the day....probably not the best thing for a relationship. I guess I will have to make a few minor adjustments with my new found talent, but I still find time to "DO LUNCH" every now and then, so call me! :o)



I've been wanting to start blogging again, but not necessarily under these circumstances. We had to put our dog Hershey down on 08/09/10, and it was so very difficult to do. He has been part of our family for 10 1/2 years, and we are going to miss him so much.

He loved going to the cabin, and swimming in the creek that ran trough the meadow. He has always been such a scardy cat, so the first time we took him we were surprised when he went in without being coaxed.

He wasn't the greatest as "guard dogs" go, because he was just too friendly. He was certain that anyone who came over to visit was there to see him, and he always made sure to welcome them.

As a puppy, he was a terror!! I can't tell you how many pairs of shoes that he chewed up, not to mention how many times he pulled out the sprinkler drip system. I seriously questioned whether we had made the right decision in getting him, but once he hit the 2 year mark, he settled right down and we couldn't have asked for a better dog, he has been the best dog. He was always so patient and gentle with any small children as they climbed all over him and rode him like a horse. We are very sad, but know that he is in a better place free from pain and any discomfort.



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