
Wanna Know What Really Bugs Me?

I try really hard to make life as easy as possible for my family, because if I make things easy for them, then things are easier on me.  See my logic?  But, there is something that just really gets me going, sets me off, causes me to grit my teeth to prevent myself from swearing, gets my underwear in a wad...you get the idea?  It really is so trivial, but come on family!!!

I walked into our downstairs powder room this afternoon to find this (sorry about the quality of the photo's):

HOW HARD IS IT PEOPLE?  I even replaced the traditional holder's, you know the one's I'm talking about, the one's that require too much effort to replace the old roll with a new one, with much simpler holder's, so simple in fact that all you have to do is slide on the new roll.
(notice the little patch job that the hub's still hasn't gotten around to touching up since we installed the easier more efficient toilet paper holders?)

OK, I feel much better now that I have that off my chest, and now you know what really bugs me!


Fireplace Transformation

It has been a while since I have worked on anything, but I finally got the motivation to finish a project that has been an eye sore in my family room for about 4 months now.  I am a tad bit OCD, and usually won't start a project unless I can see it completed in a day or two, so I am surprised that I allowed this project to go unfinished for so long, especially since it has been staring me right in the face all this time.  I forgot to take a before pic, but  I went through the family photos and found one that gives a pretty good idea of what it used to look like.  This is what it looked like before:

This is what has been staring at me for 4 months:


I love it!!  My oldest daughter (19) said: "How come you painted it white?"  I said: "Because I wanted it to be that color."  Her reply: "It doesn't look good!"  Ouch!!  I guess I failed in teaching her sensitivity.

Here is a pic showing more of the room.  I took it with my phone so it's a little dark, but the white really brightens up the place.

I'm still playing around with what to adorn the mantle with, but tell me what you think about the new color.

And The "Versatile Blogger Award" Goes to: ME!

I am stunned! Fran at eleven-o-one creations and I became acquainted with each other, because we share a love of restoring discarded junk into fabulous treasures.  I am honored that she has passed this award onto me and feels that I am worthy of such.  Thank you very much Fran.

The rules to accepting this award are, I must tell you 7 things about myself, and then pass this on to approximately 15 (give or take a few) other bloggers who I believe are deserving. 

7 things about me...

1. I am a Child of God.
2. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada, and I don't even gamble. 
3. I have 4 amazingly wonderful children - 1 boy & 3 girls.
4. I love to play tennis, but don't get to as often as I would like.
5. I have the best, and most incredibly talented husband in the world.
6. I am deathly afraid of heights. 
7. I have one or two junk drawers in just about every room in the house.

15 or so people I want to learn more about...

Kirsten @ tollipop
Korrie @ RedHenHome
Lindsey @ Better After

According to what I have read, the only rules for accepting this award are
1.  Thank the person who gave it to you.
2.  Tell 7 things about yourself
3. Pass the award on to 15 people. (But I'd let you keep the award if you only send it to 5 or even nobody.  I still think you're great and worthy of the award!)


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